S P L O T - The Pen Plotter Simulator V3.0 for Win32 ------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (C) 1991-96 by Alexandr NOVY All rights reserved. November 1996 HPGL2.TXT This file contains some reference information about HP-GL/2 support provided by the SPLOT program. The 32-bit version of the SPLOT program supports HP-GL/2 pen plotters and HP-GL/2 raster devices. The implemented support of the HP-GL/2 language is based on "The HP-GL/2 and HP RTL Reference Guide - A Handbook for Program Developers", Hewlett Packard 2nd edition, September 1996. 1) Important parameters: ======================== Number of pens: user defined up to 256. For pen plotters the number of pens is physical number of pens in carousel. For pen plotters the following modulo function is used for pen numbers greater than number of pens (np): pn = ( (pn-1) mod np ) + 1 For raster devices the number of pens is maximum number of logical pens, the actual number of logical pens is defined by NP instruction and its default value is 8 for color raster devices and 2 for monochrome raster devices. However only color raster devices are supported now. For raster devices the following modulo function is used for pen numbers greater or equal to current number of pens (np): pn = ( (pn-1) mod (np-1) ) + 1 Note that for raster devices the pens are numbered from zero and pen number 0 is valid pen. However it is usually white colored and all white pens are not used when the transparency mode is on (default state) (see TR instruction). For pen plotters the pen number 0 causes storing of a current pen to carousel and no pen is used. Paper size: user definable (see the PAPERS.TXT file) or defined by the PS instruction Plotter unit: 0.025 mm Maximal number of digits in decimal fraction to be read: 8 Supported character fonts (typefaces): The present version of the HP-GL/2 interpreter supports only the stick fonts (characters are drawn as a series of vectors). The scalable outline fonts or bitmap fonts are not supported. Note that not all HP-GL/2 devices support outline or bitmap fonts, but all HP-GL/2 devices support stick fonts. From stick fonts only fixed-vector font (typeface number 48) and drafting font (typeface number 49) are supported. The variable spacing fonts are not supported yet. Also the fixed arc font is not supported yet. Note that the drafting font is for use with the HP Drafting character set (character set number 563). Supported character sets: The present version of the HP-GL/2 interpreter supports only these character sets: -------------------------------------------------------------- Character | | Set Value | Description | ISO Number -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 | Roman8 (default) | -- 277 | Roman8 (default) | -- 21 | ANSI US ASCII | 6 531 | HP-GL Download | -- 563 | HP-GL Drafting | -- 595 | HP-GL Special Symbols | -- 11 | JIS ASCII | 14 85 | ISO International Reference Version | 2 115 | ISO Swedish | 10 19 | ISO Swedish for Names | 11 4 | ISO Norway v1 | 60 36 | ISO Norway v2 | 61 39 | ISO German | 21 6 | ISO French v1 | 25 37 | ISO United Kingdom | 4 9 | ISO Italian | 15 83 | ISO Spanish | 17 147 | ISO Portuguese | 16 7 | HP German | -- 275 | HP Latin Spanish | -- 5 | Roman Extensions | -- 43 | Katakana | -- 2) Alphabetical list of HP-GL/2 instructions that are fully supported by the SPLOT program: =========================================================== AA - The Arc Absolute Instruction AR - The Arc Relative Instruction AT - The Absolute Arc Three Point Instruction CI - The Circle Instruction CO - The Comment Instruction CP - The Character Plot Instruction CR - The Set Color Range for Relative Color Data (for raster devices only) CT - The Chord Tolerance Mode Instruction DF - The Default Values Instruction DI - The Absolute Direction Instruction DL - The Download Character Instruction DR - The Relative Direction Instruction DT - The Define Label Terminator Instruction DV - The Define Variable Text Path Instruction EA - The Edge Rectangle Absolute Instruction EP - The Edge Polygon Instruction ER - The Edge Rectangle Relative Instruction ES - The Extra Space Instruction EW - The Edge Wedge Instruction FP - The Fill Polygon Instruction However the optional non-zero winding fill method is supported only for solid fills. IN - The Initialize Instruction IP - The Input P1 and P2 Instruction IR - The Input Relative P1 and P2 Instruction IW - The Input Window Instruction LB - The Label Instruction LO - The Label Origin Instruction LT - The Line Type Instruction MG - The Message Instruction Writes a message to the SPLOT Event Log window. NP - The Number of Pens Instruction (for raster devices only) PA - The Plot Absolute Instruction PC - The Pen Color Assignment Instruction (for raster devices only) PD - The Pen Down Instruction PE - The Polyline Encoded Instruction PM - The Polygon Mode Instruction PR - The Plot Relative Instruction PS - The Plot Size Instruction PU - The Pen Up Instruction PW - The Pen Width Instruction RA - The Fill Rectangle Absolute Instruction RO - The Rotate Coordinate System Instruction RR - The Fill Rectangle Relative Instruction RT - The Relative Arc Three Point Instruction SA - The Select Alternate Font Instruction SC - The Scale Instruction SI - The Absolute Character Size Instruction SL - The Character Slant Instruction SM - The Symbol Mode Instruction SP - The Select Pen Instruction SR - The Relative Character Size Instruction SS - The Select Standard Font Instruction TR - The Transparency Mode Instruction (for raster devices only) UL - The User-Defined Line Type Instruction VS - The Velocity Select Instruction (for information only) WG - The Fill Wedge Instruction WU - The Pen Width Unit Selection Instruction 3) Alphabetical list of HP-GL/2 instructions that are partially supported by the SPLOT program (they may be fully supported in next SPLOT versions): ====================================================== AD - The Alternate Font Definition Instruction Only the character set attribute is supported. All other attributes are ignored. The character size (pitch and height attributes) should be specified by the SI or SR instruction. The stroke weight attribute is always considered to be 9999 (the characters are drawn in the current pen width). The typeface is always considered to be 48 (stick font) except for character set number 563 (HP-GL Drafting). BP - The Begin Plot Instruction Only the initialization (IN) part is supported. FT - The Fill Type Instruction Only the fill types 1,2,3,4 are supported. SD - The Standard Font Definition Instruction See the AD instruction. TD - The Transparent Data Instruction When transparent data mode is enabled, SPLOT prints all control characters as spaces. 4) Alphabetical list of HP-GL/2 instructions that are not supported by the SPLOT program: ========================================================= - All Dual-Context Extension instruction. - All output instructions: OD, OE, OH, OI, OP and OS. - And these: AC - The Anchor Corner Instruction * BR - The Bezier Relative Instruction * BZ - The Bezier Absolute Instruction * CF - The Character Fill Mode Instruction DC - The Digitize Clear Instruction DP - The Digitize Point Instruction EC - The Enable Cutter Instruction FR - The Frame Advance Instruction * LA - The Line Attributes Instruction * Only round line ends and line joins are supported yet. LM - The Label Mode Instructrion * MC - The Merge Control Instruction MT - The Media Type Instruction NR - The Not Ready Instruction PG - The Advance Full Page Instruction * PP - The Pixel Placement Instruction QL - The Quality Level Instruction RF - The Raster Fill Definition * RP - The Replot Instruction ST - The Sort Instruction SV - The Screened Vectors Instruction * - may be supported in next SPLOT versions